Seth Bourdeau WJSHS Class of 2018
I am a 2018 graduate of Ware Junior Senior High School and was a Ware school student since kindergarten. While in school, I played soccer and created great relationships with my peers and even teachers. Throughout my time in school, I wasn’t very interested in academia. My top priority was finding my career path and working on my future. Without a goal or real ambition to achieve one, I was adrift. Before my senior year, I tried to fill my schedule with the easiest electives, because I wanted to move on past high school. However my plan didn't come to fruition, and I was gifted an amazing, life changing opportunity.
In my junior year, I heard about an “Introduction to firefighting and EMS” class being held in our school, taught by Ware Fire Department Deputy Chief, Ed Wloch. I was less than enthusiastic, but slightly interested in it. So I signed up for the course in my senior year and was told first day, “This will not be an easy course.” I thought about leaving then. But within a few days, I realized I’d regret it. After every class, I found myself more and more excited for the next. The subject of emergency services was fascinating and I was enthralled by it. As the yearlong course was coming to an end and graduation grew closer, I knew I’d miss this class the most. I also knew that I wanted to pursue this career. Luckily for myself and fellow classmates, we were offered an opportunity to take an EMS course through HCC at its E2E location here in Ware. This would be my first step in this career path.
Six of my classmates and I signed up for the course almost immediately. I didn't think twice about my decision. The course ran from June to August - the whole summer. Looking back on it, I wouldn't have wanted the summer any different. I put in my application to the West Brookfield Rescue Squad, and was accepted as a first responder. So on my time off from work, EMT school, and social activities, I would be at the station, getting first-hand experience. I have just reached the halfway point for becoming an EMT. I have completed the practical exam and passed, and I am now onto taking my written exam. Once that is completed, I will be an EMT for the town of West Brookfield. I hope to further my career by looking into Paramedic school.
To help make the Fire Science Class and EMT course possible a special THANKS goes out to the following institutions that provided funding :
• Baystate Wing Corporation
• Country Bank
• North Brookfield Savings Bank
An extra SPECIAL THANKS goes out to Deputy Chief Ed Wloch who has volunteer his time to make the Fire Science Class and EMT course possible!