Update from Dr. DiLeo 03302020
March 30th Video Communication:
Hi everyone! Dr. DiLeo here. I want to update you to last week’s announcement by Governor Baker’s extension of school closure through May 4th. With this extension will come a transition for Ware Public Schools to the next phase of this long-term closure. Presently, the Senior Leadership Team is working on a plan to transition from enrichment to a deeper dive into standards already taught along with introduction of new materials.
As soon as this plan is complete, it will be shared with all stakeholders. This plan will include expectations and communication accommodations of materials for some of our students. With the extension of the school closure we will need to have a change in mindset as we navigate these waters. With the change of enrichment and strengthening skills to introduction of new materials, students will need to be mindful that they must be taking the time needed to engage with their teachers because shortly new materials will be introduced to them as we are hoping to start this next phase on Monday, April 6th.
It appears that battling this Coronavirus is going to take a while to get through, so we will need to practice patience and shift our way of thinking to assure we are taking full advance of what little opportunities that has afforded us at this time. For the time being this will not be business as usual, we need to make the best of this situation as we work to provide educational opportunities to everyone. This week I have posted on the website, and will hand out flyers in the Grab and Go bags, opportunities that Comcast is affording some families for free access to the internet to assist them in staying connected to their learning community.
On April 3rd report cards will be issued for third quarter. Grades will be calculated through Friday, March 13th, which was the last day of classes prior to the closure. Parents who have iParent will be able to access grades electronically though iPass. If you do not have a login to iParent please go to the WPS website and follow the instructions. If you cannot access your grades through iParent please contact us at 413 967 4271 to determine how I can get you your child’s report cards.
Due to the present situation of a stay at home order we are working to limit the time we need to have interactions to keep everyone safe. If we are to have any chance in beating this disease, we need to follow the recommendations from our health officials which are to stay at home, practice social distancing and stay safe. Until the next update, have a good day!