- Introduction:
The Town of Ware is centrally located in Massachusetts. Nestled in a valley, it is adjacent to the towns of Palmer, Warren, Hardwick and Belchertown. Ware is easily accessed by either Route 9 or 32, or from Exit 63 off the Massachusetts Turnpike (Rt 90). A part of Hampshire County, Ware has a population of just over 10,000 residents with a land area of 39.98 square miles. The elevation is 485 feet. The Quabbin Reservoir is nearby.
The community is served by a five-member Board of Selectmen with a full-time Town Manager and Open Town Meeting as its form of governance. Ware adopted a Town Charter in 2007.
The Ware Public Schools has a Kindergarten through Grade 12 school system located on one campus with an enrollment of approximately 1,100 students. The system operates a PreK program with enrollment of approximately 75 students.
- Proposal Rules
This proposal is solicited and will be awarded pursuant to the rules set forth in Chapter 30B of the Massachusetts General Laws. If any changes are made to this proposal, an addendum will be issued. Addenda will be made available on the Town’s website or can be emailed to all bidders on record. Become a bidder on record by emailing [email protected].
- Rule for Award
The contract will be awarded to the responsive and responsible bidder who meets our quality requirements and offers the lowest price. The lowest price will be based on the total base price for all required services during the term of the contract. The award will be granted within 30 days of the bid opening.
- Waiver
The Ware Public School Department reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or to waive any informality in the proposal process, if deemed in the department’s best interest.
- Contract Term and Renewal
The intended implementation date for these services is on or about July 20, 2022. The contract will run through June 30, 2023. This contract can be terminated with no penalty with 30 days written notice to the vendor. Payment will be prorated for the remaining months of the contract.
- Bid Submission Requirements
Bids should be submitted to the District in a Sealed Envelope that includes a written submission of Quality Requirements, Quote Pricing Sheet, and Reference Form, Forms listed in section VI and One (1) thumb drive containing an electronic copy of the bid documents This envelope should be clearly marked “IFB 23-1 WPS Strategic Planning Services” and include the bidders company name and address. Bids will be accepted until 11:00 AM on Thursday, July 14, 2022 at the Superintendent’s Office Town of Ware 239 West Street Ware, MA 01082. Timely delivery is the responsibility of the Bidder. Electronic submittals will not be accepted. Late bids will not be accepted.
- WPS may reject Bids which in its sole judgment are incomplete, conditional, obscure or not responsive or which contain additions not called for, erasures not properly initialed, alterations, or similar irregularities, or the Town may waive such omissions, conditions or irregularities.
- Right to Reject Bids:
WPS reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, or Alternate Bid Items should WPS deem it to be in the public interest to do so.
- Description:
The Ware Public Schools, in accordance with MGL 30B is looking for strategic planning services. This includes:
- Conducting an assessment/audit of the current organizational/operational structure
- Ensure inclusion of all stakeholders (community, parents, students, and staff) that is proportionately representative of the district, and ensure all have an opportunity to provide structured input via surveys, interviews, and focus groups to determine current strengths and weaknesses for the purpose of information gathering and to insure participation in the strategic planning process.
- Facilitates organization wide discussion of mission and vision statements to ensure alignment with strategic goals.
- Involve school committee members as an integral part of the process providing input, support, and commitment.
- Works closely with the leadership team and committee(s) to develop consensus on the strategic plan’s objectives and goals.
- Works with administrative leadership to develop strategies and tactics to achieve these goals, as well as measurements for implementation, accountability, and annual tracking of progress.
- Developing a three to five year strategic plan that no more than three to five high leverage goals guiding the administrative, operational, and programmatic direction of the organization.
- Help communicate the work of the strategic planning committee and subcommittees and the outcomes of their work to ensure awareness and appreciation for the strategic plan.
- Ensuring awareness and appreciation for the strategic plan through coordinated strategic dissemination and targeted media placements and publicity.
- Keeping the process on track, on time, and on budget.
- Reviewing existing planning and assessment documents, including the most recent strategic plan.
- Employing both quantitative and perceptive data to guide identifying priority goals/strategies.
- Outlining a process to ensure implementation and evaluation of the plan with measurable key performance-based indicators/metrics.
- Describing the process for renewal of the vision, mission, and beliefs.
- Including guidelines for resource allocation in the strategic plan.
- Contract Terms, Renewal Options, and Pricing:
- The Contract will run from award date to June 30, 2023.
- Pricing will be based on the total contract price for the first year.
- Additional services above and beyond those listed in IIA: Bidder’s will be required to provide an hourly rate for services.
- Additional services charged at an hourly rate will not exceed 20% of the total annual contract amount.
- Purchase Quality Requirements
- Bidders must provide all of the items described in Section II: Scope of Services
- Understanding our industry
- The proposer should describe its understanding of our industry by providing specific industry knowledge and expertise.
- Provide details of prior experience working with similar organizations and projects.
- Outline experience providing additional services to similar to WPS.
- Engagement team
- The proposer should briefly describe the qualifications of staff to be assigned to the WPS Project.
- Consulting team makeup.
- Prior experience of the individual team members, including years with the Organization.
- Organization, size and structure
- The proposer should describe its organization, size (in relation to work to be performed) and structure.
- Including years in business.
- Size of the organization, including number of employees.
- Industry specialization.
- Quote Submission Requirements
- Bidders must comply with all the quote submission requirements listed in Section I.
2. Superintendent reserves the right to ask for in person meetings with the top three (3) bidders.
3. The Superintendent will award the contract to the lowest responsive and responsible submission, subject to reference checks and qualification verifications.
IV. REFERENCE FORM for IFB 23-1 WPS Strategic Planning Services
Bidder must provide references.
References must have knowledge of the Bidder’s ability to perform Strategic Planning Services for a school/ school district of similar size. References must have worked with or employed the Bidder in the past two (2) years.
Attach additional sheets if necessary.
V. PRICING SHEET (NOTE: Pro-Rated price may occur based on contract award date.)
IFB 23-1 WPS Strategic Planning Services
NOTE: FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023 (JULY 1, 2022 TO JUNE 30, 2022)
In Dollars: $
In Words:
In Dollars: $
In Words:
*Include price list of services if available.
This Bid includes Addenda Number(s)**:
**To be filled in if Addenda are issued
The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this bid or proposal has been made and submitted in good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this certification, the word “person” shall mean any natural person, business, partnership, corporation, union, committee, club, or other organization, entity, or group of individuals.
Signature of Person Making Proposal Date
Printed Name of Person Making Proposal
Name of Business
Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 62C, §49A, I certify under the penalties of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, I am in compliance with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes, reporting of employees and contractors, and withholding and remitting child support.
Signature of Person Making Proposal Date
Printed Name of Person Making Proposal
Name of Business