As you may have heard, Ware Public Schools will be developing a new strategic plan this year to help guide the district into the future, facilitated by TMSolution, Inc. (TMS). Dr. Judy Houle, TMS Senior Vice President Emerita, will be project lead. We would like to invite you to join us on the Strategic Plan Task Force to help us create a plan that serves the best interests of our students, our families, and our community. Your role as a parent in the district would bring important insight into our schools as they are and how they could be. We are looking for one parent/guardian from each school to participate on the Task Force.
Your role on the Task Force is an important one. In addition to representing community stakeholders like yourself, you will play a vital role in visioning the direction of the district and helping us review data we gather. Specifically, you will:
- Take an active role in a series of meetings this fall that will revolve around visioning and conducting a SCOT analysis (Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities, Threats);
- Review data gathered regarding students in WPS, community surveys, and information gathered in focus groups;
- Participate in spring meetings that will focus on reviewing the Leadership Team’s draft strategic plan goals, objectives, timelines, and benchmarks.
The work we do together will set the stage for the future success of Ware's students and schools. We hope that you will be able to join us in this endeavor.
Please email a letter of interest to be a part of the Task Force to Dr. Houle at [email protected] by Friday, September 23, 2022 and include your full name, email address, and best phone number for contact purposes, as well as the school you would be representing. An orientation session has been tentatively scheduled for Monday, September 26, late afternoon/early evening. Once the time and location have been set, Dr. Houle will reach out to you.