Student Requirements

Physical Exams

It is the policy of the Ware School Committee and a requirement of Massachusetts State Law (M.G.L. c.71, s.57) that every student has a comprehensive physical examination performed by his/her primary care provider at specific intervals. Preschool, Kindergarten, Grade 3, Grade 7, Grade 11, and any student new to the district must present documentation of a current physical examination.

Students who fail to provide documentation of their physical exams may be excluded from school. Please review your child's examination schedule with your child's physician to ensure compliance with this requirement.

Student athletes are required to provide documentation of an annual physical before being allowed to practice sports (one required per calendar year).

Immunization Requirements

In accordance with State Health Laws, all students are required to be fully immunized or to annually provide a medical or religious exemption letter to the Health Office. 

Students entering Preschool are required to have the following immunizations:

3 doses of Hepatitis B

4 doses of DTaP/DTP

3 doses of Polio

1-4 doses of Hib

1 dose of MMR

1 dose of Varicella or proof of chicken pox

Additionally, Preschool students must present documentation of lead testing along with a recent physical.

Students entering Kindergarten are required to have the following Immunizations:

3 doses of Hepatitis B

5 doses of DTaP/DTP

4 doses of Polio

2 doses of MMR

2 doses of Varicella or proof of chicken pox

Additionally, Kindergarten students must present documentation of lead testing and vision screening (including stereopsis) along with a recent physical.

Students in grades 1-6 are required to have the following immunizations:

3 doses of Hepatitis B

5 doses of DTaP/DTP 

4 doses of Polio

2 doses of MMR

2 doses of Varicella or proof of chicken pox

Students in grades 7-12 are required to have the following immunizations:

3 doses of Hepatitis B

1 dose of Tdap

4 doses of Polio

2 doses of MMR

2 doses of Varicella or proof of chicken pox

NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR 2020-2021 PER MDPH- Meningococcal Vaccine

Grade 7- 1 dose of MenACWY

Grade 11- 2 doses of MenACWY (2nd dose must be given on or after the 16th birthday)