Ware Public Schools welcomed Mrs. Abare as a first grade teacher in September 2013. She is in her seventh year teaching in Ware and likes that she is now seeing siblings come through her classroom. Mrs. Abare enjoys being able to get to know the families.
Ms. Leonard was Mrs. Abare’s fifth grade teacher who made her believe she could do anything, even if it was hard. She taught her that working hard would pay off. At the time, Mrs. Abare thought that she would teach with her one day, never thinking that she would retire.
Mrs. Abare graduated from Worcester State University with a degree in Elementary Education and a minor in Psychology. Upon graduating, she was hired as a teacher in Auburn, ME where she worked in a resource room for 5 years. She then took about 10 years off to be at home to raise her two daughters. Once deciding to return to teaching, Mrs. Abare taught in Leominster and Spencer. She has now found a permanent home in Ware.
When Mrs. Abare is not in school she enjoys running and finds it to be a great way to relieve stress. She also likes reading romance novels by Nicholas Sparks and Elin Hiderbrand. Reading under a blanket all warm and cozy on a snowy day is one of her favorite pastimes. Mrs. Abare also enjoys traveling and spending time by the water.