Physiology of Addiction & the Developing Brain with Dr. Ruth Potee
Posted on 01/22/2016
On Thursday March 17 @ 7 pm Dr. Ruth Potee will present “Physiology of Addiction & the Developing Brain” in the Ware JR/SR High School auditorium.
Quaboag Hills Community Coalition is a co-sponsor of the event.
Dr. Ruth Potee is a board certified Family Physician and Addiction Medicine physician at Valley Medical Group in Greenfield, MA. She is a native of western Massachusetts and attended public schools in the North Quabbin region. She attended Wellesley College, Yale University School of Medicine and did her residency at Boston University where she remained as an assistant professor of Family Medicine for eight years. In addition to practicing full- scope family medicine, she is currently the Medical Director for the Franklin County House of Corrections and the Pioneer Valley Regional School District as well as the Chair of the Healthcare Solutions of the Opioid Taskforce of Franklin County. She was just named Franklin County Doctor of the Year by the Massachusetts Medical Society and is the Chair of the Department of Medicine at Baystate- Franklin Medical Center
Event is free for all, and open to the public.