Heather Wierbrick, SMK Teacher, Winner of the Pioneer Valley Excellence in Teaching Award!

This year the 2017 Teacher Awards noted key changes to their program in selecting nominees. A new formula is being used for the number of awards afforded a district. As a district of under 1500 students Ware Public Schools is allowed to nominate one teacher. The baseline selection criteria that is used to nominate individuals for the award is as follows:
- Teacher Certification by Commonwealth of MA
- Employed full-time
- Good attendance record confirmed by principal
- Rating in top 2 categories of most recent evaluation
(Nominees must meet all 4 criteria to be eligible)
Additional suggested selection criteria includes the following:
- Excellence in teaching practices
- Subject mastery and scholarship
- Effectiveness and creativity
- Impact on students
- Support of and positive impact upon other teachers’ practice
- Participation in professional development
- Evident of going “above and beyond” in classroom and school community
It is through these criteria that we are pleased to announce the 2017 Pioneer Valley Excellence in Teacher Award recipient for Ware Public Schools is Heather Weirbrick a kindergarten teacher at SMK! Her nomination submission speaks to Mrs. Weirbrick’s professionalism of “going above and beyond particularly in curriculum instruction and ability to meet all students’ needs.”
Congratulation to Mrs. Weirbrick for her dedication to the children of Ware Public Schools!!”