P.A.T.C.H. Program For Parents

Feel like your life is overwhelming?
Feel like you are isolated?
Do you find being a parent stressful?
Feel like you can’t meet the needs of your family?
We can provide:
- Advocacy-Medical, DCF, Mental Health
- Community Resource Assistance-Social Security, housing, DTA,
enrollment in GED classes, food security, etc
- Skills building
- Parent Education/Support Group
- Healthy Relationship Group
- Childcare during GED classes
- Domestic Violence supports
All services are free.
For more information please call
Behavioral Health Network, Inc. at Valley Human Services
96 South Street
Ware, MA 01082
(413) 262-7103
Funding provided in part by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Housing and Community Development, Massachusetts CDBG Program and United Way and DPH Division of Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention