Today at Ware Public Schools, we celebrated National School Resource Officer (SRO) Day by surprising Officer Jeannine Bonnayer with a room full of appreciation. School Resource Officers play a crucial role in bridging the gap between young people, law enforcement, and the community. As the SRO, Officer Bonnayer fulfills a three-part role, serving as an informal mentor to students, a law educator and a law enforcement officer.
Superintendent Michael Lovato, WPD Chief Shawn
Crevier, Director of Student Services Dr. Ginger Coleman, Principals Scott Slattery, Kimberly Thompson, Pamela Iwasinski, Assistant Principals Michael Fazio, Megan Sears, Caissie Putnam, Director of Curriculum and Accountability Jan Yardley and IT Director Michael Brown all joined in as they expressed their gratitude for Officer Bonnayer's dedication to our school community.
Thank you, Officer Bonnayer, for keeping our schools and students safe!